
Institutional Performance

In 2 Corinthians 3:2, the Apostle Paul says, “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all.” DCC’s students who discover and fulfill their calling are our best recommendation to be “known and read by all.”

Plans, data, and statistics also tell the story of the work of DCC. This page is designed to help students, parents, and constituents understand that part of the work of DCC to accomplish the mission to educate and mentor students to be people of influence, engaging in their calling to the work of Christ in the Church and in the world.

What is the Work of DCC?

DCC’s academic programs and mentoring program have objectives designed to accomplish the institutional Goals and the mission of the college. The document “Missions, Goals and Objectives” describes the work of DCC.

Missions, Goals and Objectives

Connecting Goals and Program Objectives


Looking at the Numbers Over Time (Fall 2022 DCC Almanac)

These graphs form a picture of the students impacted by DCC.

Percentage of Students by Program

Dallas Christian College Student Enrollment by Major

Dallas Christian College Traditional Enrollment by Major

Dallas Christian College Non-Traditional Enrollment by Major

Degree Seeking Students by Gender

DCC Student Racial Demographics

DCC Incoming Class Make Up

DCC Incoming Class by Program

First Generation Students

English as a Second Language Students

Percentage of Students Participating in Athletics

Athletes by Gender

Average HS GPA of Full-Time First-Time Freshmen

Average Incoming College GPA of Transfer Students

DCC Retention Rates

DCC Graduation Rates

Traditional & Non-Traditional Degrees Attained

Degrees Conferred by Major

Percent of Degrees in Bible-Ministry Studies

Class of 2022 Demographics

Demographic Changes in Graduating Classes


Employment Data

2024 DCC Traditional Student Employment Presentation

2024 DCC Online Employment Presentation

2022 Graduate Employment Presentation

10-Year Employment Data

Employment Data Summary from the 2021 Alumni Survey: Classes 2011-2021


Assessment of Each Academic Program

Each academic program has related learning objectives (see Missions, Goals and Objectives). How does DCC know if students have accomplished those objectives? One or more measurable student learning outcomes are identified and evaluated as evidence that students have adequately met that learning objective.  In some cases, a grade in a class or on an assignment is ample evidence. Typically, an assignment is multifaceted in which case the instructor uses a rubric to assess a specific learning outcome that is part of the assignment. Consider this example from the Bible and Theology program.


Program Learning Objective Student Learning Outcome Measuring Process Benchmark
Articulate a coherent biblical view of call and work. Students in Senior Bible Seminar (BIBL 4320) will present a 3–5-minute articulation of their calling, including biblical support. Student presentations are evaluated, using a rubric which includes two major criteria related to the program objective: 1) The student reflects theological understanding of his or her calling. 2) The student connects scripture and experience to his or her sense of calling. 100% of students will achieve at least 80% on each criterion related to the theological articulation of their calling.


In this case, the student learning outcome for the program learning objective is straightforward. There is a specific time when all Bible and Theology majors will demonstrate they can articulate a biblical view of call and work by presenting their own sense of calling. The measuring process involves the instructor evaluating the presentation based on the two criteria reflected in the learning objective. DCC will then compare the actual data gathered to the established benchmark. In a recent school year, all students who completed the assignment above had a score of 80% or higher.

Below are links to spreadsheets describing how each program’s student learning objectives are assessed.

     •  Bible and Theology

     •  Business Administration

     •  General Education (Arts and Sciences Dept.)

     •  Interdisciplinary Studies (Arts and Sciences Dept.)

     •  Practical Ministries

     •  Psychology

     •  Teacher Education

     •  Worship Arts

On the spreadsheets there are two additional columns (Analysis and Action) where departmental leaders evaluate the actual data against the benchmarks and determine if action needs to be taken to improve the results. This could involve anything from a curriculum adjustment to a budget request to purchase educational software.


Operational Assessment

Operational assessment focuses on improving the operations of the institution. It evaluates whether different departments that make up DCC are running efficiently, effectively and within budget. This area of assessment looks closely at the institutional objective; “Develop adequate human, financial, physical plant, information technology, processes, and support service to achieve DCC’s mission.”

DCC has implemented a strategic plan that is annually revised to focus on initiatives that further the mission of the college. The operational assessment plan asks questions about how effective the institution is executing the strategic plan. Since finances are always a part of the assessment, the operational assessment report is not completed until the end of the fiscal year and the audit is finalized. Click the link below to see the most recent operational assessment report covering Academic Department, Advancement Department, Finance and Operations, Enrollment Management, Institutional Effectiveness, and the President’s Office.

     •  DCC Operational Assessment

Annual audits are available at the Federal Audit Clearinghouse or upon request.