Dallas Christian College offers 4 new master’s degree programs to help Christians to engage in their calling to the work of Christ in the Church and in the world.
- The Master of Transformative Leadership (MTL) is an online degree program designed for men and women who aspire to be intentional Christian leaders in businesses, organizations, and communities, by stimulating God-honoring transformation that begins with themselves and extends to the context where they serve. Launched August 2024.
- The Master of Transformative Ministry (MTM) program equips students for strategic leadership roles in churches and organizations that embrace the emerging Kingship of God within shifting cultures. The program is designed for men and women entering Christian leadership as a second career, experienced pastors who desire to upgrade their knowledge and skills, and young ministers seeking a deeper foundation for effective Kingdom work. Launched January 2024.
- The Master of Arts in Language Development and Translation* (MA-LDT) is an online degree program that prepares men and women to facilitate Scripture translation and engagement programs in cross-cultural settings while integrating Christian values and best practices in their approach, contributing to life transformation within communities, and promoting enduring access to the Bible for faith communities worldwide. Launched August 2024.
- The Master of Arts in Multicultural Engagement* (MA-ME) is an online degree program that prepares men and women to be transformative leaders in cross-cultural missional settings who integrate Christian values in their approach to multicultural engagement, contribute to uplift within communities, and promote global understanding and the advancement of God’s Kingship among all nations. Launched August 2024.
*Offered as a Competency-Based Education (CBE) program. See details below.
Master of Transformative Leadership (MTL)
This 36 credit-hour online program has one prerequisite called The Emerging Kingship of God that starts every 8 weeks. After taking that course, students jump in the rotation of program courses that function on a two-year cycle.
Theology and Philosophy of Transformative Leadership
THEO 5310 The Emerging Kingship of God
THEO 5330 The Church as God’s Agent of Transformation
LEAD 5325 Transformational Leadership
Transformative Personal & Relational Leadership
PMIN 5330 Holistic Spiritual Formation
LEAD 5330 Self-Leadership
PSYC 5320 Psychology of Leadership
Transformative Community Leadership
LEAD 5335 Leadership Communication
THEO 5320 Reading and Redeeming Culture
LEAD 5340 Culturally-Competent Leadership
LEAD 5345 Transforming Culture
Transformative Organizational Leadership
LEAD 5320 Strategic Planning
LEAD 5315 Organizational Innovation and Change
Master of Transformative Ministry (MTM)
This 36 credit-hour online program has one prerequisite called The Emerging Kingshiop of God that starts every 8 weeks. After taking that course, sstudents jump in the rotation of program courses that function on a two-year cycle.
Theology of Transformation
THEO 5310 The Emerging Kingship of God
THEO 5330 The Church as God’s Agent of Transformation
BIBL 5315 Transformative Engagement with Scripture
Personal & Relational Transformation
PMIN 5330 Holistic Spiritual Formation
LEAD 5310 Resilience in the Leader
PSYC 5315 Psychological Tools for Transformative Ministry
Community Transformation
PMIN 5320 Transformative Communication
THEO 5320 Reading and Redeeming Culture
PSYC 5310 Culturally Competent Ministry
PMIN 5310 Contemporary Models for Holistic Ministry
Organizational Transformation
LEAD 5320 Strategic Planning
LEAD 5315 Organizational Innovation & Change
Master of Arts in Language Development & Translation (MA-LDT)
DCC developed the competency-based Language Development and Translation program in close collaboration with Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) and other organizations active around the globe. These partners make invaluable contributions to the program in the form of student advising, expert instructors, graduate placement, and guidance from practitioners in the field on needs that influence program content. Rather than a list of courses, this competency-based education (CBE) program requires students to master competencies. (see explanation above).
Program Corequisites
To graduate from the MA-LDT program, students must demonstrate the following competencies before or during their time in the program. These preparatory competencies are prerequisites for certain other competencies in the program, such as LING 5220 Translation Principles (2).
BIBL 5320 Exegetical Studies (3)
BIBL 5330 Critical Introduction to Biblical Texts (3)
One of the following languages:
GREK 5310 Greek I (3)
GREK 5320 Greek II (3)
HEBR 5310 Hebrew I (3)
HEBR 5320 Hebrew II (3)
Language Development and Translation
Missiology Competencies (12 credits)
ANTH 5210 Applied Anthropology 2
MCEN 5210 Spiritual Formation 2
MCEN 5220 Cross-Cultural Team Dynamics 2
MCEN 5310 Textual Metanarratives 3
MCEN 5340 Promoting Engagement 3
Belief System Competencies (choose one) 3
ANTH 5310 Animism (3)
ANTH 5320 Islam (3)
ANTH 5330 Belief System Research (3)
Language and Culture Acquisition Competencies (5 credits)
LING 5210 Understanding Language 2
LING 5310 Second Language and Culture Acquisition 3
Translation Competencies (14 credits)
LING 5110 Sociolinguistics 1
LING 5120 Introduction to Phonological Analysis 1
LING 5130 Introduction to Syntactic Analysis 1
LING 5140 Introduction to Semantics 1
LING 5220 Translation Principles 2
LING 6130 Translation Modalities 1
LING 6210 Semantic Issues in Translation 2
LING 6220 Discourse Issues in Translation 2
LING 6310 Translation Process 3
Elective Competencies (choose 3 credits) 3
ANTH 5110 Analysis of Religions (1)
ANTH 5130 Ethnographic Research (1)
ANTH 6110 Local Theologies (1)
ANTH 6120 Worldview Analysis (1)
ANTH 6130 Dynamics of Cultural Change (1)
LING 5230 Orthography Development (2)
MCEN 5330 Fostering Transformational Communities (3)
MCEN 6330 Cross-Cultural Leadership (3)
Master of Arts in Multicultural Engagment (MA-ME)
DCC developed the competency-based Multicultural Engagement program in close collaboration with Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) and other organizations active around the globe. These partners make invaluable contributions to the program in the form of student advising, expert instructors, graduate placement, and guidance from practitioners in the field on needs that influence program content. Rather than a list of courses, this competency-based education (CBE) program requires students to master competencies. (see explanation above).
Program Competencies. The Master of Arts program in Multicultural Engagement develops the following professional competencies.
Multicultural Engagement Core Competencies (24 credits)
ANTH 5110 Analysis of Religions 1
ANTH 5120 Participatory Research Methods 1
ANTH 5130 Ethnographic Research 1
ANTH 5210 Applied Anthropology 2
ANTH 6120 Worldview Analysis 1
ANTH 6110 Local Theologies 1
ANTH 6130 Dynamics of Cultural Change 1
MCEN 5210 Spiritual Formation 2
MCEN 5220 Cross-Cultural Team Dynamics 2
MCEN 5310 Textual Metanarratives 3
MCEN 5330 Fostering Transformational Communities 3
MCEN 5340 Promoting Engagement 3
MCEN 6330 Cross-Cultural Leadership 3
Belief System Competencies (choose one) 3
ANTH 5310 Animism (3)
ANTH 5320 Islam (3)
ANTH 6140 Belief System Research (3)
Elective Competencies 8-9
Choose EITHER:
Language Learning Track (8 credits)
LING 5210 Understanding Language (2)
LING 5310 Second Language and Culture Acquisition (3)
Language Learning Elective (choose 3 credits)
BIBL 5310 Biblical Studies (3)
GREK 5310 Greek I (3)
GREK 5320 Greek II (3)
HEBR 5310 Hebrew I (3)
HEBR 5320 Hebrew II (3)
MCEN 5350 Microfinance (3)
MCEN 6310 Multicultural Issues in Context (3)
MCEN 6340 Apologetics Across Cultures (3)
OR choose:
Elective Track (choose 9 credits) 9
BIBL 5310 Biblical Studies (3)
GREK 5310 Greek I (3)
GREK 5320 Greek II (3)
HEBR 5310 Hebrew I (3)
HEBR 5320 Hebrew II (3)
MCEN 5350 Microfinance (3)
MCEN 6310 Multicultural Issues in Context (3)
MCEN 6320 Power Dynamics in Ministry (3)
MCEN 6340 Apologetics Across Cultures (3)
*Competency-Based Educational (CBE) programs approach education differently than traditional credit-hour systems with grades, grade-point averages, and the ability to graduate even with low grades in some courses. To graduate from a CBE program, students must demonstrate mastery of every required competency through direct assessment. CBE emphasizes the acquisition and application of specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions relevant to a work setting and academic discipline. This model ensures that graduates are not only well-versed in theoretical concepts but also capable of applying their knowledge, skills, and dispositions in real-world scenarios.
Since students are moving forward in the program by demonstrating competencies, they progress at their own pace. If a student has a strong foundation in a competency, it may take little time to reach the point to be ready to assess that competency. If mastery is demonstrated, the student moves on to another competency—even if it only took three weeks to get it done. A student does not need to wait until the next term to move forward.