Title IX
Lorice Perry
Title IX Coordinator
For any questions, comments, concerns or emergencies please contact our Title IX Coordinator
Office Number: 214.453.8119
Email: titleIX@dallas.edu
Title IX Training & Certificates
Non-discrimination statement
Domestic Violence
Brighter Tomorrows
Brighter Tomorrows provides free emergence shelter for victims at 2 locations.
Genesis Outreach
24-Hout Hotline, Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Counseling Center, Individual Counseling, Grou Counseling, Case Management, Parenting Classes, Legal Services, Domestic Violence Education.
Irving Family Advocacy Center
Free counseling services for victims of crime, domestic violence.
New Beginnings
Shelter, Intervention Services, Education Programs, battering and Intervention Prevent Program, Transitional Housing, a 24-Hour Hotline and Community Outreach Programs.
Salvation Army
214-634-3454 Ext 220
For single women and mothers seeking a safe haven.
The Family Place
Hotline, Safe Housing, Legal Help, Supervised Visitation, Counseling for Victims and Abusers, and Community Education.
Children First
New Beginnings
The Family Place
Sexual Assault
Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center
Medical accompaniment, individual & group counseling, case management, law enforcement/judicial accompaniment.
Parkland VIP center
Crisis support, counseling and advocacy.
Brighter Tomorrows
Two shelter locations for cities of sexual assault, resident and non-resident counseling.
Turning Point- Collin County
Counseling, advocacy, sexual assault nurse examiner.
Life Coaching & Counseling
His Story
- Treating mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, self-esteem and boundary issues, life changes, addictions, victims of abuse and other trauma, as well as communication and relational issues. Services are free to DCC students. To schedule an appointment access the Counseling Form page online at the DCC website.
- Outpatient counseling and medication management. Specializes in mental concerns such as panic disorder, sleep disorder, therapy, and some medical psychiatric assistance.
Metrocrest Community Clinic
- Community medical clinic for the uninsured. Provides minor medical treatments for such things as sore throats, respiratory problems, coughs, and other non-invasice services. The clinic offers well Woman exams through gynecological doctors. The clinic does not perform procedures. $20 copay (if patient has NO insurance).
North Dallas Ministries
- General services for six patients. Walk in only. Patients typically must be uninsured.
Brown Clinic
- Walk in only. Accepts Medicaid and Blue Cross Blue Shield. $49 copay for cash payment.
Lorice Perry
Title IX Coordinator
For any questions, comments, concerns or emergencies please contact our Title IX Coordinator
Office Number: 214.453.8105
Email: titleIX@dallas.edu