Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is a distinctive of Dallas Christian College.  Along with rigorous academic growth, DCC’s students are expected to grow in their relationship with God.  DCC has designed strategic programs that give our students an opportunity to excel in their faith.  Our goal is that all of our graduates would be reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.  DCC’s major spiritual formation programs are described below.

Spiritual Programs


DCC offers our students an opportunity to worship God corporately every week. Chapel services vary in format. Students are challenged toward spiritual growth by faculty or staff members, guest speakers, drama teams, Christian musicians, small groups, arts, multimedia, student and faculty-led music, and other venues. Traditional students attend chapel once a week, and Online students participate in corporate worship in their own community and report on their participation in their Christian Service Report.

Residence Hall Devotions

DCC’s on-campus residents participate in weekly devotions every Tuesday night at 10:00 p.m. Devotions vary from corporate worship to small groups, same sex to co-ed, deep spiritual exhortation to just going out and having fun together.


Effective mentoring is one of DCC’s greatest initiatives. Mentoring takes place on two levels:

  1. Unprogrammed via natural relationships with older students, faculty/staff and industry leaders.
  2. Programmed through mentoring relationships established in Illuminate!

1st-Year students learn spiritual disciplines and principles of mentoring. Second-year students are mentored by 4th-Year seniors. And 3rd-Year students are engaged in mentoring relationships with industry leaders outside the college within each student’s field of study.

Engaging in the Kingdom

Kingdom Week

There are many truths that we will never learn unless we step outside of our normal boundaries and trappings. That is why all of DCC’s students are invited to participate in Kingdom Week, a missions-emphasis week in March in which the school hosts 4-6 trips to other cities and countries. Students learn about other peoples and cultures while they discover more about God and themselves. | Learn More

Service Day

Each semester, DCC cancels our daytime classes for one day and offers an opportunity for our students to serve our community. Students, faculty/staff, and administration all work together to accomplish the work of the God’s kingdom outside the classroom walls. Work projects vary greatly but include services like nursing home visitation, home renovation, soup kitchens for the homeless, clothing distribution, etc.

Meditation in the Park

Every Fall semester, DCC students get the opportunity to go to Farmer’s Branch park and meditate on God’s word. Led by the faculty and staff, students go to different stations to participate in different activities including: communion, prayer, confession, blessing, and Lectio Divina. This event also includes lunch in the park!
IKE helps students and churches identify and embark upon their God-given mission toward the work of Christ.
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