
Matthew Meeks
VP for Communications


DALLAS, Texas- Dallas Christian College has been notified that the Texas State Board of Educator Certification officially approved the Texas Education Agency’s recommendation for accreditation of DCC’s Teacher Education program. Now students who complete their education degree at DCC will have the opportunity to be both TEA and ACSI certified once state certification examinations are completed.

“Congratulations to Dr. Brian Horn, and more thanks than I can express for all the hard work he’s done in getting our program across this significant milestone. Having certification in our undergraduate program has been a goal for years, and a dream for years before that; through Dr. Horn’s hard work, it’s become a reality,” said DCC provost, Dr. Perry Stepp.

Dr. Horn serves as DCC’s Teacher Education Department Chair. He came to DCC in 2014 from Colorado Mesa University where he served as professor and Secondary Licensure Coordinator for future middle and high school teachers. He received his B.S. and M.Ed. from the University of Oklahoma and his Ph.D. from the University of North Texas.

Dr. Horn believes that DCC’s unique mentoring program is part of the recipe for creating educators who will make a difference in our world. “I believe in the mission of our program, which is DCC’s Teacher Education program helps future teachers model Christian ethics through positive relationships and effective pedagogy in today’s classrooms.  I am excited for the new opportunities presented to our students and hope that they take advantage of them.”

For information about DCC’s Teacher Education Program, contact the Office of Admissions & Outreach at (214) 453-8155 or by email at www.dallas.edu/admissions.



The mission of Dallas Christian College is to educate and mentor students to be people of influence, under God’s influence, for a life of influence.