Practical Ministries


Change your future one class at a time.

Career Path


Pastoral Ministry and Leadership—Lead, Preaching, Worship, Student, Discipleship, etc.


Chaplaincy—Military, Hospice, Hospital, Corporate. (Additional education required)


Non-Profit Service and Leadership—Mission organizations, Christian Education, etc.


DCC faculty care about what you know and what you become. A 1:10 professor/student ratio allows them to know you as a person.

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Professors seek to go beyond the classroom to help you understand your calling and to prepare you for it. Some faculty are full-time and others are part time, bringing their experience from the field into the DCC classroom.

Leadership Distinctive

DCC educates and mentors people to be leaders, including concentrations in leadership and mentors who lead in their field.

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We focus on leadership development. We want our students to graduate with a humble servant’s heart ready to assume leadership roles in their church, community, and career. All students are provided opportunities to engage with faculty and professionals who challenge them to explore their unique gifts so they can realize their full potential. Courses such as Cultural Competency, practicums, and internships give students real-world experience with feedback on how they can be effective leaders.

Mentorship & Networking

Students are mentored by peers and professionals as well as learning to be mentors.

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This unique program allows students to receive and provide mentorship – both internally and externally – every year at Dallas Christian. Community leaders pour into students’ lives, resulting in personal and professional development.

Hello & Welcome

How do you respond in a broken world? 

In Ephesians, Paul says God through Christ “gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and teachers…so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.”

The Practical Ministries Department at DCC exists to help caring folks like you serve this hurting world.  God seeks servants to fulfill their calling and to tell God’s story of redemption. 

Thank you for considering learning, serving, and training as a pastor in the Practical Ministries program!  God’s redemptive story heals.  You’ve probably experienced such healing and you want to give back.  The Church and world need more people like you! Contact us. We’d love to meet you and spend time hearing how God is calling you to help in this broken world.

Edward Sanders |
D.Min. | Chair of the Practical Ministries Dept.



Intercultural Studies (Missions) - Bachelor of Arts

This plan adds 12 hours of intercultural studies courses to the foundational ministry classes to help prepare you for a call to another culture—whether it bringing Jesus’ love to children in an orphanage or bringing light to the darkness of the inner city.

The Bachelor of Arts degree requires 12 credit hours of Greek. Highly recommended for those who intend to lead through preaching and for those intending to go to seminary.


Intercultural Studies (Missions) - Bachelor of Science


Ministry Leadership - Bachelor of Arts

In additional to the foundational ministry classes, you choose 12 hours that focus on leadership or on how to lead in specific ministry contexts. This concentration is for someone who wants to lead in a local church.

The Bachelor of Arts degree requires 12 credit hours of Greek. Highly recommended for those who intend to lead through preaching and for those intending to go to seminary.


Ministry Leadership - Bachelor of Science


Youth & Family Ministry - Bachelor of Arts

In order to serve the family through youth ministry, you will need to understand how we develop psychologically, how families work, and how to minister to youth in different contexts. Those are the specialized courses you will take to prepare for this calling.

The Bachelor of Arts degree requires 12 credit hours of Greek. Highly recommended for those who intend to lead through preaching and for those intending to go to seminary.


Youth & Family Ministry - Bachelor of Science



Worship Arts Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science program in Worship Arts and Bible develops foundational competencies for biblically-grounded worship or music ministry.


Worship Arts Minor

The Worship Arts Minor prepares a student for worship or music ministry.

Degree Completion

Degree completion is a special degree category that allows you to finish a bachelor’s degree with a Bible minor rather than a Bible major. In terms of credit-hours, that means 18 hours vs. 30 hours—saving you about a semester as well as the cost of those 12 extra hours. Faster and less expensive. If you qualify and need to get done as quickly as possible, degree completion is your best plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a Bible Major or Minor Required?

A Bible major or minor is one of the best possible ways to prepare a person for the workplace and the current world. Surveys indicate that one of the key skills employers look for in employees is critical thinking. Studying the Bible builds critical thinking skills and encourages clear articulation of thought through writing—another skill for which employers are looking. Studying Scripture is also foundational to answering questions about who you are and what you were created to do. Answering questions like that help students establish their worldview. To be able to lead within today’s world, current and future leaders must know important truths such as “God created us in His image” and how to apply those truths as the world continues to change. DCC graduates are prepared to lead.

How many credit hours are required to graduate?
Each major requires 120 credit hours to graduate. Be sure to click on the course details button next to the concentration you are interested in to see all the courses you will need to graduate.
Are there scholarships?
Academic Honors scholars receive up to $15,000 per year toward tuition, room, and board. The scholarship includes all forms of DCC awards for which the student is eligible. At DCC we want to honor students who are committed to becoming servant leaders who will make a positive difference in the world in whatever career they choose. This scholarship is to honor those with solid grades and servant hearts who want to lead. Recipients are expected to be actively engaged as student leaders within the department awarding the scholarship and to demonstrate Christlike character in the DCC community. | Learn More

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