The educational programs of Dallas Christian College produce graduates who are able to influence others in various settings, including ministry, business, and education.

All the degree programs of DCC meet ABHE requirements for a balanced curriculum in Bible, general education, and specialized or professional studies. This reflects the college’s conviction that knowledge of the Bible is basic to education.


Dallas Christian educates and mentors students to be people of influence, engaging in their calling to the work of Christ in the Church and in the world. The educational programs seek to produce graduates who are able to influence others in various ministry settings as well as in education, business, and psychology.

Since God is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and since all of creation is His, education logically begins from Him. In light of this, all courses of the College begin from the assumption that all true knowledge, biblical and otherwise, comes from God and should be judged in light of His word.

The General Education curriculum emerges from the College’s conviction that all students need an understanding of themselves, their world, and their community, combined with the ability to think and communicate effectively. This curriculum is required in all degree plans; this foundation prepares students to apply this knowledge in their major and to become people of godly influence who appreciate God’s entire domain.

Interdisciplinary Studies
Dallas Christian College offers a B.S. with a dual major in Interdisciplinary Studies and Bible. This degree program has 33 credit hours in the major including two customizable areas of emphasis, a three-hour internship, and a capstone course that blends classroom content and practical experience specific to the areas of emphasis. The Interdisciplinary Studies major allows a student to pursue interests within the Arts and Sciences Department in either a programmed or individualized degree plan. For the adult student transferring in 45 or more hours, there’s also a degree completion option, the B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Practical Ministries
The B.A. or B.S. in Practical Ministries and Bible prepares students to minister in a local church, church-related context, urban or cross-cultural mission, or other ministry-related field. Within the major a student may choose a track emphasizing one of three ministry areas: Intercultural Studies, Ministry Leadership, or Youth and Family Ministry. The B.A. degree includes 12 hours of Greek. The B.S. degree has more open electives allowing more room with the degree plan for a minor. Either degree provides the necessary foundation for continued studies in graduate school or seminary.
The A.A. in Humanities is a general associate’s degree plan designed for the student who has varied interests.  Students completing the A.A. in Humanities may continue on to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and Bible or another degree plan. 
The B.S. in Business and Bible offers three tracks from which to choose, Business Administration and Ethics, Leadership, or Sports Management. The curriculum equips the student with business and administration skills, while also providing a solid biblical foundation for Christian influence in the workplace. There is also an Associate’s degree in Business available. Students completing the A.A.S. in Business may continue on to pursue the B.S. in Business in Bible. For the adult student transferring in 45 or more hours, there’s also two degree completion options, the B.S. in Business or the B.S. in Business (Sports Management Track).
The psychology major equips a student with the foundational tools in psychology and counseling from a biblical perspective. The B.S. in Psychology and Bible also offers several track options including: Brain Sciences, Christian Life Coaching, Human Rights, Organizational Leadership, Pastoral Care, and Sports Psychology. Also, for the adult student transferring in 45 or more hours, there’s also a degree completion option, the B.S. in Psychology.  Either degree prepares students to continue studies in graduate school. Students should note that any undergraduate degree in psychology is preparatory for graduate studies. NOTE: All licensing for psychology and counseling requires the minimum of a master’s degree.
Teacher Education
Dallas Christian College’s Teacher Education program helps future teachers model Christian ethics through positive relationships and effective pedagogy in today’s classrooms. The program prepares students for teaching in elementary, middle, or high schools, public or parochial. DCC offers a Bachelor of Science in Education and Bible with four tracks from which to choose: Elementary (Early Childhood-6 Grade), English Language Arts (7-12 Grades), Social Studies (7-12 Grades), or Music (Early Childhood-12 Grade).
Biblical Ministry
The B.S. in Biblical Ministry is a degree completion program for the adult student (21 years of age or older) who has 45 or more transferable hours.  The major includes Bible and Practical Ministry courses which prepares students to minister in a local church, church-related context, or other ministry-related field. This degree provides the necessary foundation for continued studies in graduate school or seminary.
Master of Transformative Ministry
The Master of Transformative Ministry (MTM) is a 36 credit-hour graduate program that can be completed online in 2 years. The MTM is an interdisciplinary degree program that includes Bible, theology, communications, psychology, cultural competence, business, and leadership. The MTM answers the question, “How will you minister in a context where biblical faith is increasingly foreign to prevailing culture and worldview?” it does this by offering graduate-level thinking and training in the theology of transformation, the path to personal transformation, the leadership for transforming your community, and the skills to transform your organization.