
This Fall 2017 semester, our business students were greeted by a new chair of the business department. DCC’s former business chair resigned this summer (snatched away by Purdue University), but God had the right person just waiting to join the mission of DCC.

Dr. Larry Thompson comes to DCC with work experience in both Fortune 500 companies and his own business. He has been heavily involved in learning and development, talent management, and diversity training for the past 30 years in a variety of capacities. Dr. Thompson will continue his consulting business part time in order to maintain his experience and network in the business world.

Bruce Long, interim vice-president for academic affairs at DCC, reports, “When the business chair was vacated, the first person who came to my mind was Dr. Thompson. He is a people-builder, and he has a passion for serving Christ through business.” Long adds, “Larry is a DCC alumnus, and we are so glad he has returned to his alma mater to serve.”

Dr. Thompson holds a B.S. degree in Biblical studies from Dallas Christian College, an M.A. degree from Dallas Baptist University in professional development, and a Ph.D. in leadership studies from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. He and his wife, Terri, have four children and five grandchildren. He loves learning and athletics, with a resting heart rate that would rival any of the DCC student athletes.

President Brian Smith noted after meeting with Dr. Thompson for the first time, “You don’t need to talk to Larry long to realize what a great fit he is for DCC and how much he can help with our new mission statement: ‘to educate and mentor students to be people of influence, engaging in their calling to the work of Christ in the Church and in the world.’”

Dr. Thompson’s own words make that clear: “I do not believe in coincidences, luck, or happenstance; I strongly believe that each of us is born with an ordained purpose. It is that divine purpose that led me to Dallas Christian College; first as a student, and this month as a faculty member. My passion is to help and serve others. I can truly say that when I joined Dallas Christian College’s faculty, that burning inside of me began to breathe and live. So, I am extremely excited about the opportunities on the horizon as I meet new people to pour into their lives and they in turn pour into my life. No coincidence, just God.”

Please join DCC in welcoming Dr. Larry Thompson to the faculty.